Sunday 22 May 2011



Some time patin buah also being called as "Shark head" patin because of the shape of the patin's head really looked like "shark" !.

Patin Buah 19 kg. But still not LOKO !! Haha. hard to believed. There are clues to see how can separate the loko patin and the good one. This one really shows all good signs on the fish.

Patin Hulu
"Patin Hulu" is one of the rare species patin. It's only can be found mostly at the upper stream of the river where you can find semah and empurau fish. It's looked similar to the rest of the patin but it is different. It's body is much wider compared to the most of the patin species. Their head, face and tail also different. A very obvious different with other species of patin is their "white end tips tail". This is one of the best fish in sarawak.

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