The gill is still there.....
The gills of the fish is firstly removed using plier or small knife.
Fish stomach being totally removed, but the blood stains and dirt being still remain.
That's the fish without gill and stomach. With blood and dirt being wash away thoroughly.
That's another example.
This is the packing methods we are currently apply. The packaging method is very labour and time consuming but worthy because it is very economy and the simple packing can make the fish storage life much much longer.
The Patin Cleaning Prosedures are as below :
See the thick fat still attached there. But mostly most of the local fisherman considered that's clean enough. But... that's not the real story.
Cut the layer inner "skin" and you will see more....
See...Thick fat and blood cloth still remain there...
Then, the fish anus has to be clean properly, since that's the part that always stinky.
The thick fat that attached to the inner stomach wall also being removed. Some time only the fat, we will lost almost 10% of the total fish weight !!..
Now, the throat of the fish must also properly cleaned. Since so many unwanted things in there.
Now, the fish gills gone...

The fish is properly cleaned and should proceed to the next stage. QC, Packing and lastly Freeze it to
-25 degree celsius.
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